BMR Calculator


Basil body rate (BMR) is the estimated amount of energy that your body needs to function while completely resting for a day.

BMR is a base value, so any energy used above this needs to be added.

Adding energy for daily activities to your BMR is known as total daily energy expenditure or TDEE.


  1. Sabounchi NS, Rahmandad H, Ammerman A. Best-fitting prediction equations for basal metabolic rate: informing obesity interventions in diverse populations. Int J Obes (Lond). 2013 Oct;37(10):1364-70. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2012.218. Epub 2013 Jan 15. PMID: 23318720; PMCID: PMID 23318720
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  4. Harris J, Benedict F (1918). "A Biometric Study of Human Basal Metabolism". PMID 16576330.
  5. Roza AM, Shizgal HM (1984). "The Harris Benedict equation reevaluated. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. PMID 6741850
  6. Mifflin MD, St Jeor ST, Hill LA, Scott BJ, Daugherty SA, Koh YO (1990). "A new predictive equation for resting energy expenditure in healthy individuals". The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. PMID 2305711.
  7. Owen OE, Holup JL, D'Alessio DA, Craig ES, Polansky M, Smalley KJ, Kavle EC, Bushman MC, Owen LR, Mozzoli MA. et al.A reappraisal of the caloric requirements of men. Am J Clin Nutr. 1987;46:875"885. [PubMed]
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  9. Liu HY, Lu YF, Chen WJ. Predictive equations for basal metabolic rate in Chinese adults: a cross-validation study. J Am Diet Assoc. 1995;95:1403"1408. doi: 10.1016/S0002-8223(95)00369-X. [PubMed]
  10. FAO/WHO/UNU. Energy and Protein Requirements. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 1985. [Google Scholar]


Extra Reading

  • Kansas State Unitversity. "Physical Activity and Controlling Weight," (accessed March 30, 2019),
  • Frankenfield D, Roth-Yousey L, Compher C. Comparison of predictive equations for resting metabolic rate in healthy nonobese and obese adults: a systematic review. J Am Diet Assoc. 2005;105:775"789. doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2005.02.005. [PubMed]